Rehabilitacja indywidualna

Individual rehabilitation

Individual work with the patient includes the treatment of dysfunctions (back pain, faulty posture in children or scoliosis) by choosing the right specialist physiotherapeutic therapy focused strictly on the patient’s functional problem. The overriding goal of the individual approach is to eliminate the existing problem and restore the greatest efficiency and independence in everyday life.

Individual rehabilitation is a series of meetings with a physiotherapist.

The first visit involves:

Conducting a thorough interview and diagnostic tests, allowing to identify the main problems at the structural and functional level. You should also take your medical records with you.

Defining the goals of therapy and presenting methods to achieve them.

Determining the approximate duration of therapy.

Next visits:

Discussion of changes experienced by the patient

Work on a specific goal according to the chosen method and use of exercises carried out by the patient at home.

During individual therapies, we work using the following methods:

Manual therapy:

Manual therapy is a form of therapy for musculoskeletal disorders. It involves the examination and treatment of peripheral joints and the spine. The quality of movement, range, biomechanics and other factors that may affect the patient’s condition are examined. During therapy, special techniques of manipulation, mobilisation and work on soft tissues are used, while restoring failing biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)

The PNF method, i.e. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation is successfully used in the therapy of patients with disorders of the osteoarticular, muscular and nervous systems. The main goal of the method is to recreate a specific motor function that has been disturbed or lost as a result of illness or injury. Actions are aimed at eliminating the patient’s individual problem. In PNF therapy, the patient is treated globally and not through the prism of a given ailment.

Central and peripheral stabilization

The therapy is aimed at restoring the proper function of the muscles responsible for local stabilization and then learning the proper cooperation between local and global muscles. The therapy is successfully used with reference to lumbar pains, degenerative changes in peripheral joints and the spine, post-traumatic conditions, postoperative peripheral joints, the spine and in the rehabilitation of athletes.

  • manual therapy,
  • trigger points,
  • PNF.