
Positive Thinking Day – how to develop them in children?

Scientific studies show that optimists are 5 to 10% less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, depression, and cancer because they tend to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle than pessimistic people. That is why it is worth developing a positive attitude towards oneself and the world in children from an early age.

5 tips on how you can help your child develop a positive attitude towards himself and the world

Pay attention to positive things and share it with your child

Tell your child what good happened to you and what made you happy. Ask your toddler questions about their positive experiences. Discover the joy of small things: walking together, baking gingerbread cookies, a beautiful sunset or a rainbow after the rain. Celebrate your successes together. You can also make a diary or a jar of gratitude, into which you will insert a piece of paper with an inscription or a picture every day, which you will remember from today.

Mistakes are an opportunity, not a failure.

Failures are not pleasant. However, thanks to them, we can learn to cope with frustration, impatience and discouragement. When your child goes wrong or makes a mistake, help him see what he can learn from the situation. Talk about what can be done differently next time. Ask your children what new and important things have learned about themselves thanks to this situation. What will he not do next time? What effect would she like to achieve?

Remember to be understanding with yourself as well. After all, we all make mistakes. Let us learn from them in order to operate better and more effectively in the future. When your child sees that you are also failing at times, but don’t give up and keep trying, they’ll learn to deal with failures.

Try and develop new skills

Consider with your child what their strengths are. Knowing his previous skills, give him the opportunity to develop them and achieve success (even the little ones!). Let your child try new things, encourage them to make efforts. However, remember not to exert too much pressure as it may cause resistance. Share your interests with your child. Maybe you can do something together?

Help others

Remember everyday little acts of kindness. Encourage your child to volunteer or take part in charity events. Collecting food for animals from the shelter, helping older neighbors with shopping, sharing breakfast with a friend who forgot to take sandwiches to school… There are plenty of options. By helping others, a person feels better and looks at the world more positively. He also gains a sense of influence. It is a very important experience for a young person.

Set goals and strive to achieve them

Encourage your child to make their dreams come true. Help him create an action plan. What steps must be taken to achieve the goal? Who can help? What will you need (what skills and items)? What difficulties may arise? How to deal with them? Such a view of the task implementation will show the child the pros and cons of a given project and increase the chance of achieving the goal. Your child will know early on that there may be difficulties along the way, but that does not mean they need to be discouraged. By using your skills and the support of others, you will be able to overcome them and enjoy the results you want.