Such consultation takes place according to a strictly defined plan.
PEI physicians gather a detailed interview about the perinatal period, vaccinations, the main disease, comorbidities, additionally family history, previous treatment, information on main expectations and ailments.
Detailed physical examination, including meticulous orthopedic examination according to strictly defined guidelines, stored in the PEI system. Based on the interview and examination, a hypothesis and a preliminary outline of the disease or ailment is developed
PEI doctors evaluate additional tests, while radiological imaging remains the main source of information. If an additional examination is needed, the doctor issues an appropriate referral and informs the patient and Coordinator about such requirement. After the examination the patient provides the results to PEI in accordance with the principles set out above. After receiving the test results, the Coordinator informs the doctor that the patient has already provided such tests
The next step is to create a list of patient problems based on the information collected so far from the patient’s examinations and radiology.
The most important element of the consultation, a procedure that is unique for PEI is the fact that the patient is presented with the INDIVIDUAL SURGICAL TREATMENT PLAN. In many cases, this is an OPERATIONAL LIFE PLAN thanks to which the patient receives certain, reliable and comprehensive information about what his treatment at the Paley European Institute will look like until the end of the therapeutic process not only until the next surgery. The patient during the consultation has the possibility of a quiet conversation, asking questions and clearing all and any doubts they may have. The patient’s surgical plan is consulted with supervising physicians, Dr. Paley and Dr. Feldman.